Thursday, 12 September 2013

That Darn First Date

Your stomach is dancing around your internals to the tune of nervousness of the first meeting. This is somebody you know from work and that's the way it usually works with relationships: either from education or, more probably, the workplace. It’s a risky business to ask someone out you have to see everyday; however I will have it down on record that she initiated it. 
A little bit of a backstory to your blogger; I left college not too long ago after doing many A Levels, too many for me to handle. This resulted in a year of confusion as to what to do next in life so like all gap year students… I got a job. I tried a few before stumbling onto one that I am comfortable in. Starbucks. Everything fit into place finally. Savings, gym, part time Open University degree in English Language and Literature, and I had a connection to other people which I had not had in the last year as my friends had left for uni.
And that's where I had met her. I’m sure many of you reading this have different romance stories and would say that mine is ridiculously cliché’. I hadn’t had much success with girlfriends, my friends had partners they had been with for 3 years; and they were eighteen! So naturally one can assume that they must have something amazing about them that you simply don’t possess, I was right however though that they did possess something I lacked, the ability to see something good when it is right in front of me. 
So I started Starbucks as a fresh face looking optimistically into the new career path I had chosen. I can only extend the highest gratitude toward my manager as it allowed me to meet Charlotte (who hopefully will be a recurring character in my blogs) and although she thought I was daft, it must have worked because we are about to go on a holiday together to surprise location- at least for Charlotte it is.

Back to the puddle of sweat of a first date, I may over exaggerate for effect but I really was nervous. I did not know her all to well and then there are other difficulties: where to go, what to order and how to act. The fact is that you need an icebreaker; so maybe going to Bella Italia on New Street Birmingham was a real drill of the ice sheet between us. Forty minutes we waited, but it gave us a laugh, and that's what you need, no formalities, no suits, just good simple icebreaker. To be comfortable with each other. 
And so it came to be that worlds worst date was indeed to ideal first date. It must of worked I assume, I didn’t come across as arrogant or vane but just somebody who you can have a good time with, that's why I would suggest against the cinema (which coincidentally turned out to be a great date at The Electric Cinema). But more on that later