Monday, 27 October 2014


Rossopomodoro, what a mouthful, try saying it- well once! Its that difficult; Rossopomodoro. By this point, Charlotte and I had been on many dates at my house; I and cooked, cleaned and watched great movies, we are really enjoying each others company. This is a random date, If my memory serves my correct then Charlotte had just finished work and I decided to sweep her off her feet to get dinner. Rossopomodoro is a Oven burning Pizzeria in Selfridges. We both had Pizza with coke and coffee afterwards (well I did). It was really tasty and we were in the chapter of our relationship which equates the indy music montage in Romantic movies where the couple get to know each other, and so we did! And Rossopomodoro is the right place for that, not too busy, not too formal, great atmosphere and plenty to look at so there are conversation starters.

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